Looking at my piles of clutter and my immaculate silverware drawer, it makes me wonder why people are like this. Why do we like structure and conformity so much? Is it because we fear the unknown? Why are some people comfortable with immense structure and order, while others seem to find pleasure in the lack of order of things? Even children crave structure despite their complaints about it. It's a comfort that makes them feel secure. Does structure in our adult lives make us feel secure too?
Most of all, what does God want us to do? Does he want us to follow a specific formalized format for worship or is He happy when we venture into the unknown and let our joy predict our path? Even as Christians, we enjoy order in our worship whether it's a formal style or the newer contemporary style that many churches have now added. It's all structured in some way to make us feel comfortable and at home with God when we are there. Worship is one of God's ways to make us feel safe. That's why I worship. I need the structure to feel safe. I need that time at the beginning of my week and help protect me throughout the rest of the week. He's protecting my spirit. That's what matters most.
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