Sunday, February 12, 2012

God Speaking

Image from Sodahead.

Today, I've been slowed down a bit as a result of a serious fall yesterday. So while I nurse my injury, I decided to learn from Dr. Charles Stanley on TV.

This sermon was so meaningful to me that I watched it twice and found the sermon notes online. You can find it here:

It really hit me how we are supposed to live. I've fought being single for a long time. I've cried to God to ask Him when will my time come to be married. I know now as I get older that God has something extra special planned for me. So many people get married just because they are desperate or feel it's their only chance. Honestly, I was probably there in my late 20s and 30s. Yes, it still hurts when young women are getting married and divorcees find new loves when I rarely get a nibble. 

Dr. Stanley's sermon helped me today. In the last 6 months, I have made a lot of life changes. A lot of spiritual life changes. God was actually waiting on me to get where I need to be. As Dr. Stanley taught, we need to listen to God, obey Him, depend on Him, and wait on Him. I was doing it in the wrong order! I wasn't listening. I was obeying somewhat, but I didn't depend on Him. I tried to do things my way and naturally, I messed it up. I've been waiting on Him, but not fully. That's changing now.

Dr. Stanley also recommended to write down when God speaks to you. He really does. I have several times I can remember already. One big time was when I was heading out and something told me to change my pants from shorts to jeans. Little did I know that I would be in an accident within the hour. Had I not listened, my legs would have been cut from the glass that flew in my driver's side door. 

If we wait on God, He will speak to us. It may not be through a burning bush with a loud voice or with writing on the wall. It may just be in an subtle way or through a circumstance. When we look back at life, we realize that God does have a plan. He is protecting us and wants the best for us. All He wants in return is for us to depend on Him 24/7 for every decision we make, even the little ones.

How has God spoken to you recently? 

As I was finishing this post, I googled God Speaking and a video by Mandisa came up first. If that's not God speaking, I dont' know what is. Here's the video God Speaking-Mandisa.

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